


1/14 下午第三屆國際數位牙醫教育與臨床醫學研討會,邀請日本東北大學Dr. Nobuhiro Yoda 、印尼Universitas Airlangga Dr. Aqsa Sjuhada Oki 演講數位假牙製作流程、涂明君理事長、 Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Dr. Nor Atika Md Ashar演講VR 與數位學習,王東堯教授分享他獨到的正顎手術的數位計畫流程。精彩可期!
1/15 整日是實作工作坊,邀請您一同參與陳永崇醫師精彩演講與國產VR 牙醫教育儀器、口掃機、牙科植體的實際操作演練!



The 3rd International Conference on Digital Solutions for Education and Clinical Dentistry, ICDSECD 2022 will be hold on 14th-15th Jan, 2022 by the School of Dentistry, NCKU!

Jan 14th pm 1:00~
Excellent lecturers including Dr. Nobuhiro Yoda (Tohoku University) and Dr. Aqsa Sjuhada Oki (Universitas Airlangga) will present the digital work flow of denture fabrication; Prof. Tu, Ming-Gene and Dr. Nor Atika Md Ashar will show us the development of VR and hybrid learning in dental education; Prof. Wong, Tung-Yiu will demonstrate his clinical experiences about virtual planning of orthognathic surgery.

Jan 15th all day~ Workshops of dental education (CDS-100 and VR, Eped co.), intraoral scanning (BenQ), and dental implant system (Biomate co.)

We invite all dental and health-care professionals to attend, learn, and have a cross-talk.
The conference will be a hybrid form of on-site and webinar for the two days, please access to the conference website link for more information.
Conference website:https://icdsecd2022.mystrikingly.com/
Register foam:https://forms.gle/z6bCaXrnKomKhqKR7
(Webinar link will be ready before the conference beginning.)
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